Hand carved in Basswood and painted in acrylics; 13” tall & 10” long
Item # C-76
Price: $450.00
This old Ranger is a bit fed up and tired of not getting the funding support the National Park Service needs to carry out the important job of protecting our national heritage found in our National Parks. A famous entrance sign needs repair and hangs by a single wire. Our National Park System is deeply loved and appreciated by the American people but the National Park Service entrusted to care for these very special places simply does not receive the federal budgets from our Congress to do the proper job! Every year “more” is asked of the staff in our parks while “less” is provided to do it. The National Park Ranger and the flat hat are famous icons of the Service. Fewer Rangers are protecting our parks now than a decade ago, yet the demands continue to increase. Protecting the parks is more than just infrastructure repair. Protection includes science, research, education, law enforcement, emergency response, maintenance and repair, management oversight and administrative support, and public involvement.